QUESTION: What is your perspective regarding the transportation options currently available in our city? Can all of our residents affordably get where they need to go? If not, what will you do to improve transportation in our city?
RESPONSE: I would defer to our Transportation Plan which recommends expansion of bicycle and public transport options, which would help alleviate traffic/congestion and strains on our roads. Expansion of our public transportation should be a priority, so our citizens (and tourists) can get the goods and services they need in our community. The routes and service areas would be addressed by the Growth and Development Task Force and should involve the Disability Committee, with focus on access to educational facilities, social services, healthcare, and downtown hubs. No matter how strong our schools, hospitals, businesses, and community are, they are weak if we cannot easily access them.
QUESTION: What are the future plans for the landfill?
RESPONSE: With the increased population, it makes that sense that with more people, there’s more garbage. And it’s straining our infrastructure-especially our landfill. Estimates from three years ago approximated a new landfill costing ~$300M. If we had an active and expanded recycling program (rather than grinding material), we could extend the life cycle of the landfill, create potential jobs and possibly businesses, and save our taxpayers money. This is a perfect example of where the Growth and Development Task Force would fit in. We could also defer to our Sustainability Coordinator for guidance and support, with potential funding resources through our new Grant Writer.
QUESTION: What is your perspective regarding the disproportionate incarceration of first people citizens in the Pennington County jail? Do you have any plans to alleviate this issue in our community?
RESPONSE: I would recommend having the Community Relations Commission form a subcommittee of qualified, diverse local citizens, involving law enforcement and our schools to investigate/research, collaborate and find tangible recommendations to address this issue.